.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: api/connection api/observe api/models api/distribute api/sync api/apps api/commands api/apps api/utils API Reference ============= .. note:: This reference is not entirely comprehensive and is expected to change. Connection wrapper ------------------ A thread safe (plus more) wrapper around the ESL SWIG module's `ESLConnection` type is found in :doc:`connection.py `. Observer components ------------------- The core API :py:class:`~switchio.api.Client` interface can be found in :doc:`api.py `. There are also some synchronous helpers hidden within. Call Control Apps ----------------- All the :doc:`built in apps ` can be found in the :py:mod:`switchio.apps` subpackage. .. _modelapi: Model types ----------- | The :doc:`api/models` api holds automated wrappers for interacting with different *FreeSWITCH* channel and session objects as if they were local instances. * :py:class:`~switchio.models.Session` - represents a *FreeSWITCH* `session` entity and provides a rich method api for control using `call management commands`_. * :py:class:`~switchio.models.Job` - provides a synchronous interface for background job handling. .. _call management commands: https://freeswitch.org/confluence/display/FREESWITCH/mod_commands#mod_commands-CallManagementCommands .. _clustertools: Cluster tooling --------------- Extra helpers for managing a *FreeSWITCH* process cluster. * :py:class:`~switchio.distribute.MultiEval` - Invoke arbitrary python expressions on a collection of objects. * :py:class:`~switchio.distribute.SlavePool` - a subclass which adds oberver component helper methods.